7 Amazing Benefits Of Nanoplasty Hair Treatment You Need To Know 

7 Amazing Benefits Of Nanoplasty Hair Treatment You Need To Know 

Nanoplasty is a ground-breaking hair treatment, making hair management simpler for women. Statistics show women spend approximately 55 minutes styling hair and applying make-up.  

Although an impeccable appearance is vital for boosting confidence and creating a positive impression, efficient time utilization is equally essential. Nano-plasty hair treatment/ nanotherapy helps Canadian women maintain a stunning hairstyle with minimum time investment. 

Nano-plasty hair treatment is overwhelmingly popular for enhancing hair texture for easy management. Moreover, the therapy has multiple benefits for healthy hair growth and economical hair management.  

Below is an overview of crucial nano-plasty hair treatment. 

1. Nanoplasty Hair Treatment Is Chemical-free 

Several hair-straightening treatments, including keratin treatment and hair rebonding, are available to consumers. Such treatments can straighten kinky, curly, or coily hair, permanently eliminating texture-related hair styling challenges. 

Although they get the job done, keratin and hair rebonding treatments typically feature potent chemicals among their ingredients. For example, keratin treatments contain parabens, formaldehyde, aldehyde, and carbocysteine.  

On the contrary, Nanoplasty treatments contain safe, consumer-friendly ingredients, so keep reading to find out more about nanoplasty hair treatment and how they achieve the desired results. 

Formaldehyde is the primary active ingredient in keratin treatments and straightens hair by breaking the existing hair bonds and repositioning them in curl-free positions.  

However, the treatment requires heat application via flat ironing, and exposing formaldehyde to heat produces formaldehyde gas, a proven carcinogen. Additionally, the gas may cause side effects like rashes, sore throat, and eye irritation among consumers. 

In contrast, nanoplasty hair treatments substitute the harmful chemicals in other hair-straightening treatments with safer alternatives like organic acids. Second, although specific formulas vary, nanoplasty treatments also utilize vegetable-sourced amino acids, collagen, and essential oils to reposition the hair bonds.  

2. Nanoplasty Rejuvenates And Restores Damaged Hair 

The only benefit you receive from other hair-straightening treatments like keratin treatments, rebonding treatments, and cysteine is a straighter hair texture that eliminates styling challenges like hair frizz.  

However, besides the straightening effect, they do little hair health. Consequently, while your hair appears straight after such treatments, it may lose volume and become flat or lose natural movement. 

Healthy hair transcends a texturized appearance to include a sheen, a smooth texture, and zero breakage. Moreover, some treatments can cause hair breakage and dehydration due to extended exposure to heat during the ironing step. 

Conversely, nanoplastia works beyond repositioning hair bonds to straighten the hair. As highlighted above, nanoplasty hair treatments contain organic acids and essential oils that penetrate the hair shaft and follicle, helping to nourish, strengthen, and lock in moisture, keeping the hair hydrated.  

Therefore, besides hair straightening, you can rely on nanoplasty as a hair therapy that supports healthy hair growth. 


3. Nanoplasty Hair Treatments Last Longer 

Although numerous hair-straightening options, including styling tools like steam pods, are available, they do not yield sustainable results. Most styling treatments last approximately a week (less than a week if you expose your hair to water).  

Therefore, consumers prefer hair-straightening treatments like nanoplasty because they last several months. Such semi-permanent straightening solutions limit your hair’s exposure to potential heat damage and breakage from frequent styling and manipulation. 

Even so, while other hair-straightening treatments last 3-6 months, nanoplasty offers more value for your money because it lasts 4-8 months. An eight-month break from aggressive hairstyling benefits your hair’s health. 

4. It is Compatible With Standard Hair Care Products 

The last thing you need is to bump up your hair product expenditure by spending on specialty hair care products to sustain your hair-straightening treatments. 

Fortunately, you do not have to worry about such financial inconveniences after a nanoplasty hair treatment session. Any gentle and sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners will fit seamlessly into the hair care routine for nanoplasty-treated hair. 

Women showing her silky hair

5. Nanoplasty Hair Treatments Are Ideal For Diverse Hair Types Consumers 

Alternative hair-straightening treatments do not always deliver desirable results for all hair types. For example, the treatments may prove too strong on thin/fine hair, causing the hair to appear flat. 

In contrast, nanoplasty hair treatments deliver desirable results on fine, kinky, coily, or curly hair. Additionally, the treatments’ natural organic ingredients make them safe for special consumer categories, including children over seven years old and pregnant and nursing mothers.  

6.No Post-treatment Hair Care Necessary 

Other hair-straightening treatments include multiple restrictions, including preventing the hair from getting wet for several days. Other post-care restrictions for nanoplasty alternatives include avoiding hair ties and exposure to heat after the first wash. 

In contrast, you can resume your standard washing and moisturizing hair care routine immediately after the treatment. The straightforward post-care routine enhances nanoplasty’s convenience factor. However, you must wait several days before swimming due to the chemicals in the pool water. 

Photo of woman touching her hair

7. Easy Application 

Most hair-straightening treatments follow similar steps, including hair cleansing, treatment application, setting, and heat application. Even so, nanoplasty takes approximately two hours less than other treatments, saving you time.  

Moreover, the treatment excludes the post-treatment care step. 


Nanoplasty hair treatments are innovative and effective hair styling solutions with the added benefits of healthy, strong hair, allowing you to enjoy the convenience of straight hair without compromizing on hair health.  

You can consult a nanoplasty expert for more information on its benefits to establish whether its the ideal treatment for your hair. 

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