Future Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi – Rules, Examples & Definition

Future Perfect Continuous Tense with rules, examples, and Definition by all sentence affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Interrogative’s Negative, Interrogative words, Interrogative words Negative.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi - Rules, Examples & Definition
Future Perfect Continuous Tense In Hindi – Rules, Examples & Definition

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Definition

जिस वाक्य के अंत में समय के साथ कर रहा होगा।, कर रही होगी।, दो दिनों से कर रहे होंगे।, घंटो से कर रही होगी। etc.. हो तो हम उन्हें “Future Perfect Continuous Tense” कहते है।
जैसे – तुम पांच दिनों से एग्जाम दे रहे होंगे।, वे लोग सुबह से मेहनत नहीं कर रहे होंगे।, क्या आपने उसे 2 घंटो से पढ़ा रहे होंगे ? etc …,

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Affirmative

वह दो दिनों से काम कर रही होगी।she will have been working for 2 days.
वे लोग 2 घंटो से खेल रहे होंगे। they will have been playing for 2 hours.
मैं 2 साल से इंजीनियर बन रहा हूँगा। I will have been being engineer for 2 years.
वे सब सुबह से स्कूल जा रहे होंगे। They will have been going to school since Morning.
आपलोग 2025 से काम कर रहे होंगे। You will have been working since 2025.
वे सब 2030 से पढ़ रहे होंगे। They will have been studying since 2030.
उसका बहन 2040 से डॉक्टर बन रही होगी। His sister will have been being a doctor since 2040.
तुम्हारे दादा 2050 से मर रहे होंगे। Your Grandpa will have been dying since 2050.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Negative

तुम सब 2 घंटो से नहीं लिख रहे होंगे। You won’t have been writing for 2 hours.
वे लोग 2 दिनों से दिल्ली नहीं जा रहे होंगे। They won’t have been going to Delhi for 2 days.
उसका पापा 6 घंटो से काम नहीं कर रहे होंगे। Her father won’t have been working for 4 hours.
वे लोग सुबह से यहाँ नहीं आ रहे होंगे। they won’t have been coming there since Morning.
उसका भाई कल से नहीं खेल रहा होगा। Her brother won’t have been playing since tomorrow.
वे सब दोपहर से नहीं दौड़ रहे होंगे। they won’t have been running since afternoon.
वे लोग 12:03 pm से नहीं रो रहे होंगे। They won’t have been crying since 12:03 PM.
मोबाइल 10:00 am से चार्ज नहीं हो रहा होगा। Mobile won’t have been charging since 10:00.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Interrogative

क्या तुमलोग 2 दिनों से काम कर रहे होंगे ?Will you have been working for 4 days?
क्या वे लोग 10:00 pm से दिल्ली जा रहे होंगे ?Will they have been going to Delhi since 10:00 pm?
क्या तुम और रामु 04:00 pm से बाजार से आ रहे होंगे ?will you and Ramu coming from market since 04:00 pm?
क्या गीता सुबह से काम कर रही होगी ?will Geeta have been working since Morning?
क्या सरिता सुबह से बाजार कर रही होगी ?Will Sarita have been marketing since Morning?
क्या गीता का मम्मी सुबह से घूम रही होगी ?will Geeta’s mummy have been wondering since Morning?
क्या पिंकी तुम्हे 2 दिनों से परेशान कर रही होगी ?will Pinki have been troubling you for 2 days?
क्या वह 06:00 pm से एक्सरसाइज कर रही होगी ?will she have been exercising since 06:00 pm?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Interrogative’s Negative

क्या आपलोग कल से स्कूल नहीं जा रहे होंगे ?won’t you have been going to school since tomorrow?
क्या शिक्षक तुमलोग को कल से नहीं पढ़ा रहा होगा ?won’t the teacher have been teaching since tomorrow?
क्या तुमलोग परसो से डांस नहीं सिख रहे होंगे ?won’t you have been dancing since day after tomorrow?
क्या गीता कल से कोडिंग नहीं सिख रही होगी ?won’t Geeta have been learning coding since tomorrow?
क्या सरिता का मम्मी 10 Oct से बाजार नहीं जा रही होगी ?won’t Sarita’s mummy have been going to market since 10 Oct?
क्या मोबाइल एक सप्ताह से चार्ज नहीं हो रहा होगा ?won’t mobile have been charging for a week?
क्या वे लोग परसो से तेल बेच रहे होंगे ?won’t they have been selling oil since day after tomorrow?
क्या तुम्हारी मम्मी 07 :00 pm से सब्जी खरीद रही होगी ?won’t your mummy have been buying vegetable since 07:00 pm?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Interrogative words

कल से वह क्योँ काम कर रही होगी ?why will she have been working since tomorrow?
तुम कल से क्योँ पढाई कर रहे होंगे ?why will you have been studying since tomorrow?
वह परसो से स्कूल क्योँ जा रही होगी ?why will she have been going to school since day after tomorrow?
तुमलोग 14 Nov से क्योँ दौड़ रहे होंगे ?why will you have been running since 14 Nov?
सुमिता 02:30 am से क्योँ रो होगी ?why will Sumita have been crying since 02:30 am?
तुम कल दिल्ली कब से आ रहे होंगे ? when will you have been going to Delhi since tomorrow?
वे लोग कल से कहाँ जा रहे होंगे ?where will they have been going since tomorrow?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense – Interrogative words negative

तुम लोग कल से कोचिंग क्योँ नहीं जा रहे होंगे ?why won’t you have been going to coaching since tomorrow?
वे लोग परसो से कहाँ खेलने नहीं जा रहे होंगे ?where won’t they have been going to play since the day after tomorrow?
वे लोग 10 Dec से कब से कार नहीं चला रहे होंगे ?when won’t they have been driving a car since 10 Dec?
सुमिता कल कब से खाना नहीं बना रही होगी ?Since when won’t Sumitra have been cooking tomorrow?
गीता 2100 से गेंहू क्योँ नहीं बेच रही होगी ?why won’t Geeta have been selling wheat since 2100?
मोबाइल कल से चार्ज क्योँ नहीं हो रहा होगा ?why won’t mobile have been charging since tomorrow?
आप सभी 09:00 am से क्योँ नहीं पढ़ रहे होंगे ?why won’t you have been reading since 09:00 am?
तुम्हारा भाई कल से गाना क्योँ नहीं गा रहा होगा ?why won’t your brother have been singing a song since tomorrow?

Future Perfect continuous tense – Video


  1. Chart of Tense
  2. 12 tenses with examples, rules, and Definitions
  3. Present indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  4. Present continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  5. Present Perfect tense in Hindi  – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  6. Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  7. Past indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  8. past continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  9. past perfect tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  10. past perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  11. Future indefinite tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  12. Future continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  13. Future perfect tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  14. Future perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition