How to delete temp files win 10,8,7 Best 5 ways
How to delete temp files ?
Clean Your PC or Get of rid Junk files and temp files here are the Best Ways To clear your PC and make Super Fast Your PC. These 5 Best Apply 2 times in a week or you can use them daily. these work in only windows OS.
- Press Win+r, then type in the dialog box ‘cleanmgr‘ then enter and select your drive or enter, then automatically clean your drive.
- Press Win+r, then type in the dialog box ‘prefetch‘ then enter and continue and select all, and delete all.
- Press Win+r, then type in the dialog box ‘tree‘ and enter these steps no next automatic clean junk file with CMD.
- Press Win+r, then type in the dialog box ‘%temp%‘ then enter and continue and select all, and delete all.
- Press Win+r, then type in the dialog box ‘temp‘ then enter and continue and select all, and delete all.
How to delete temporary files
Here Is Step by Step how to delete temp or temporary files in windows OS. follow these best ways 2 times in a week or daily.
1. cleanmgr

cleanmgr these way clean junk files in the drive. How to use these ? then press Win+r, type ‘ cleanmgr‘ then press OK or enter and select your drive then click OK then auto clean your PC.
2. prefetch

prefetch this way help also clean your junk file the start it first press Win+r, then OK and follow step select all and delete all files.
3. Tree

The tree this way is best to clear your unwanted file in your PC this way so easy Press Win+r, then type ‘tree‘ and click OK or enter now nothing next to these auto clean your PC.
4. %temp%

%temp% this way follow like prefetch then press Win+r, type in dialog box ‘%temp%‘ then click OK or enter now select all file ctrl+a and delete all.
5. temp

temp this ways same like %temp%. start first press Win+r, the type in dialog box “temp” then OK or enter and select all with ctrl+a and delete all files.
Finally Word
This All ways “how to delete temp files” it’s not losing your data these ways delete only delete your junk and temporary files.