Tense | 12 Tenses with Examples & rules & Definition

Tenses with Examples, Rules, Definition (Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, Interrogative words) Every tense or Sentences Examples, Rules and Definitions.

tenses - with examples, rules, definition
Tenses With Examples, Rules, Definition
  1. Chart of Tense
  2. 12 tenses with examples, rules, and Definitions
  3. Present indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  4. Present continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  5. Present Perfect tense in Hindi  – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  6. Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  7. Past indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  8. past continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  9. past perfect tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  10. past perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  11. Future indefinite tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  12. Future continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  13. Future perfect tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  14. Future perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition

What Is Tense?

  1. Tense refers to the time.
  2. Tense is the time described by a verb.
  3. Tense is a grammar term used to indicate whether a sentence or verb is an action in the past, the present, or the future. 
  4. the time, like past tense, present tense, or future tense, expressed by such a category.

Example Tense

Tenses Example Example 1 Example 2
Present TenseHe goes to school.you have won.
Past TenseI went to school.you had won.
Future TenseI will to school.you will had won.

Types of tenses

1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense 3. Future Tense
(a) Present Indefinite(a) Past Indefinite(a) Future Indefinite
(b) Present Continues (b) Past Continues(b) Future Continues
(c) Present Prefect (c) Past Prefect (c) Future Prefect
(d) Present Prefect Continues(d) Past Prefect Continues(d) Future Prefect Continues

1. Present Tense

Present Tense In which denotes current time activities. for example, I go to school., I am going to school., I have gone to school., I have been going to school since Monday.

(a) Present Indefinite tense

Present Indefinite Tense denotes current facts, habits, routine, For Example, I am going to school, I am not going to school.

Present indefinite tense rules

Tenses Tenses rules
Affirmativesub+ v1 (+s/es) + object .
Negativesub + do/does + not +v1 + object.
Interrogativedo/does+sub+v1+object ?
Question Wordwh-family+do/does+sub+v1+object ?

Present Indefinite Tense Example

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Question words
I go to school.I do not go to school.Do I go to School ?When Do I go to school ?
You read.you do not read.Do you read ?When do you read ?
Siva goes. Siva does not go.Does Siva go ?When does Siva go ?

(b) Present Continues tense

Present Continues tense in which tense represents right now activities. Example– I am reading. , Ram Is playing. ,

Present continues tense rules

Tenses Tenses rules
Affirmativesub + is/am/are + v1(+ing) + object .
Negativesub+is/am/are+not+v1 (+ing)+object.
Interrogativeis/am/are+sub+v1 (+ing)+object ?
Question Wordwh-family+is/am/are+sub+v1 (+ing)+object ?

Present Continues tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogative Question words
I am going to school.I am not going to school.Am I going to school ?Why am I going to school ?
You are playing.You are not playing.Are You Playing ?Why are you playing ?
Siva is bathing.Siva is not bathing.Is Siva bathing ?Why Is Siva bathing ?

(c) Present Prefect Tense

Present Perfect tense denotes done activities in the present time. Example – I have bathed, You have read.

Present perfect tense rules

Tenses Tenses rules
Affirmativesub+has/have+v3+object .
Negativesub+has/have+not+v3+object .
Interrogativehave/has+sub+v3+object ?
Question Wordwh-family+have/has+sub+v3+object ?

Present Perfect tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion Word
I have read.I have not read.Have I read ?What have I read ?
You have read.You have not read.Have you read ?What have you read ?
Siva has read.Siva has not read.Has you read ?what has Siva read ?

(d) Present Perfect Continues tense

Present perfect continues tense – in which sentence previous activities continue in the present call. Example – I have been working since Monday. , You have been studying for 2 years. ,

Present perfect continues tense rules

Tenses Tenses rules
Affirmativesub+has/have+been+v4+object+since/for+time .
Negative sub+has/have+not+been+v4+object+since/for+time .
Interrogativehas/have+sub+been+v4+object+since/for+time ?
Question Wordwh-family+has/have+sub+been+v4+object+since/for+time ?

Present perfect continues the tense example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion Word
I have been walking since Morning.I have not working since Morning.Have I been working since Morning ?Why have I been working since Morning ?
You have been walking since 2020.you have not been walking since 2020.Have you been walking since 2020 ?Why have you been walking since 2020 ?
Siva has been reading for 2 months.Siva has not been reading for 2 months .Has Siva been reading for 2 months ?Why has Siva been reading for 2 months ?

2. Paste Tense

Past tense – denotes past time activities. Example– I read., You had won the cricket. , Siva did not play football.

(a) Past Indefinite tense

Past Indefinite Tense – in which tense represents past time facts, habits, routine. Example- I played., I run, I did not run. etc..,

Past indefinite tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+v2+object .
Negativesub+did+v1+object .
InterrogativeDid+sub+v1+object ?
Question WordWh-Family+did+sub+v1+object ?

Past Indefinite Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion Word
I drank water.I did not drink water.Did you drink water ?Why did you drink water ?
You drank milk.You did not drink milk.Did you drink milk ?Why did you drink milk ?
Fish drank water. Fish did not drink water.Did fish drink water ?Why did fish drink water ?

(b) Past continues tense

Past continues tense denotes past time continues activities. Example– I was Playing. , You were reading., etc..,

Past continues tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+was/were+v1 (+ing)+object .
Negativesub+was/were+not+v1 (+ing)+object .
Interrogativewas/were+sub+v1 (+ing)+object ?
Question WordWh-Family+was/were+v1 (+ing) +object ?

Past continues tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion Word
I was walking.I was not walking.Was I walking ?When was I walking ?
You were talking.You were not talking.Were you walking ?When were you walking ?
Danish was reading. Danish was not reading.Was Danish Reading ?When Was Danish reading ?

(c) Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense In which tense activities are done in Past time. Example– I had written a letter., You had gone to school., When had Danish reached Market? .etc..,

Past perfect tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+had+v3+object .
Negativesub+had+not+v3+object .
Interrogativehad+sub+v3+object ?
Question WordWh-Family+had+sub+v3+object ?

Past perfect tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I had charged my phone.I had not charged my phone.Had I charged my phone ?How had I charged my phone ?
You had done my work.You had not done my work.Had you done my work ?How had you done my work ?
Danish had died.Danish had not died.Had Danish died ?How had Danish died ?

(c) Past perfect continues tense

Past perfect continues tense In which tense previous activities continue in past time. Example- I had been reading for six months., You had been writing a letter since Sunday., etc.

Past perfect continues tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+had+been+v1 (+ing)+object+since/for+time .
Negative sub+had+not+been+v1 (+ing)+object+since/for+time .
Interrogativehad+sub+been+v1 (+ing)+object+since/for+time ?
Question WordWh-Family+had+sub+been+v1 (+ing)+object+since/for+time ?

Past perfect continues tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I had been learning code since 2018.I had not been learning code since 2016. Had I been learning code since 2016 ?Why had I been learning code since 2016 ?
You had coming to Lucknow since Sunday.You had not coming to Lucknow since Sunday.Had you coming to Lucknow since Sunday ?Why had you coming to Lucknow since Sunday ?
Danish had making a video for 2 hours.Danish had not making a video for 2 hours.Had Danish making a video for 2 hours ?Why had danish making a video for 2 hours ?

3. Future Tense

Future tense – No work has been done in these sentences but it is going to happen now, it is called Future Tense. Example– you will play., I shall have read my book before you come., etc...

(a) Future indefinite tense

Future indefinite tense in which tense is going to happen activities now is called future indefinite tense. Example– I shall play, I will be a billionaire., etc.

future indefinite tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+will/shall+v1+object .
Negativesub+will/shall+not+v1+object .
Interrogativewill/shall+sub+v1+object ?
Question WordWh-Family+will/shall+sub+v1+object ?

Future Indefinite tense example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I shall play.I will not playShall I play ?What shall I play ?
you will readyou will not read.will you read ?what will you read ?
cow will eat.cow will not eat .will cow eat ?what will cow eat ?

(b) Future continues tense

future continues tense in which tense continues activities in future time. Example- I will be studying. You will be writing a letter. etc..,

future continues tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+will be/shall be +v1 (+ing) +object .
Negative sub+will/shall+be+v1 (+ing)+object .
Interrogativewill/shall+sub+be+v1 (+ing) +object ?
Question WordWh-Family+will/shall+sub+be+v1 (+ing)+object ?

Future continues the tense example

Affirmative NegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I shall be reading.I shall not be reading.shall I be reading ?Why shall I be reading ?
You will be talking.You will not be talking.Will you be talking ?Why will you be talking ?
Water will be burning .water will no be burning.will water be burning ?why will water be burning ?

(c) Future perfect tense

Future Perfect Tense – In these sentences, the activity is about to be completed in the future. Example- They will have played the match before sunsets., Danish will have reached before you come. etc..,

future perfect tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+will+have+v3+object .
Negative sub+will+not+have+v3+object .
Interrogativewill+sub+have+v3+object ?
Question WordWh-Family+will+sub+have+v3+object ?

future perfect tense Example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I will have written the copies. I will have not written the copies.will I have written the copies ?When will I have written the Copies ?
You will have completed your home work. you will not have completed your Home work .Will you have completed your home work ?When will you have completed your home work ?
She will has gone to home.she will not has gone to home.will she has gone to home ?when will she has gone to home ?

(d) Future perfect continues tense

Future perfect continues tense In these sentences, the activity is about to be completed but the sentence continues in the future. For example- they will have been playing football for 2 hours., You will have been reading the book since Monday. etc..,

Future perfect continues tense rules

TensesTenses Rules
Affirmativesub+will+have+been+v4+object+since/for+time .
Negative sub+will+have+not+been+v4+object+since/for+time .
Interrogativewill+have+sub+been+v4+object+since/for+time ?
Question WordWh-Family+ will+ sub+ have+been+v4+object+since/for+time ?

Future perfect continues the tense example

AffirmativeNegativeInterrogativeQuestion word
I will have been reading the book since 2022. I will have not been reading the book since 2022.Will I have been reading the book since 2022 ?Why will I have been reading the book since 2022 ?
you will have been writing a letter for 2 hours.You will have not been writing a letter for 2 hours.will you have been writing a letter for 2 hours ?why will you have been writing a letter for 2 hours ?
He will have been playing the match for 1 hour.He will have not been playing the match for 1 hour.will you have been playing the match for 1 hour ?why will you have been playing the match for 1 hour ?

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Tenses Video -1


  1. Present Indefinite tense
  2. present continues tense
  3. present perfect tense
  4. present perfect continues tense
  5. past indefinite tense
  6. past continues tense
  7. past perfect tense
  8. past perfect continues tense
  9. future indefinite tense
  10. future continues tense
  11. future perfect tense
  12. future perfect continues tense
Tenses video 2

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  1. Chart of Tense
  2. 12 tenses with examples, rules, and Definitions
  3. Present indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  4. Present continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  5. Present Perfect tense in Hindi  – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  6. Present perfect continuous tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  7. Past indefinite tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  8. past continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  9. past perfect tense in Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  10. past perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  11. Future indefinite tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  12. Future continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  13. Future perfect tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition
  14. Future perfect continuous tense Hindi – Examples, Rules, and Definition