The Top 5 EFiling Software Solutions For Small Businesses

The Top 5 EFiling Software Solutions For Small Businesses
Filing taxes with the IRS is one of the most stressful duties that small business owners struggle with. Sure, there’s the option of hiring an accountant, but they can be costly, and most of them are prone to mistakes.
Thankfully, efiling software solutions are here to the rescue. EFiling Software is cost-effective, accurate, and fast. However, you’ll benefit more if you choose one that helps you find all your rightful deductions, is user-friendly, and provides quality customer service.
Finding a suitable solution with all the available choices in the market might be challenging. Luckily, the article below reviews some of the best EFiling Software solutions for small organizations for your peace of mind. Let’s get right in.
1.The Mines Press EFiling Software
The Mines Press provides the Easy2efile EFiling Software Solution, an eFile for business that offers a seamless tax filing experience.
It allows small business owners to file, print, and mail tax reporting forms like W-2, 1098, and 1099 with the IRS through an exciting array of features, such as:
- App Integration: An Excel template enables users to upload lots of files for taxing. The platform then integrates with various apps already used to handle the business for seamless tax data transfer.
- Top Security: Thanks to the solution’s unmatched security options- HIPAA-compliant, SOC-certified mail, print facility, and sophisticated data encryption- your sensitive tax details are in good hands.
- Cost-effectiveness: The solution allows you to pay for the number of forms you need filed.
- Fast Setup: Your annual tax reporting forms are filed seconds after you fill in the recipient and payer details on the system’s interface.
- Digital Recordkeeping: Thanks to the system’s secure online storage feature, you don’t have to save and print copies of your tax information. The details are available for at least four years.
- Cloud-based Convenience: Everything is done on the cloud, so you don’t have to install software or take part in tiresome manual processes.
All you have to do is:
- Create an account and enter your filing, payers, and recipient information.
- Manage the forms you wish to submit on the “Forms in Progress” page.
- Wait for a notification after the SSA and IRS accept your filings. The system files the forms for you!
- Receive your recipient copies if you choose the eFile & Delivery filing option. The solution will print and mail or e-deliver the copies.
2.TaxSlayer EFiling Software

Founded in 1965 and formerly referred to as Rhodes-Murphy & Co., TaxSlayer is a financial software and tax preparation company.
It provides online tax preparation software that allows individuals and small businesses to file their federal and state income tax returns electronically. Additionally, it has four packages available for tax filers. They are:
- Simply Free: Free for a single state return and a single free federal
- Classic: $34.95 for federal returns plus $39.95 per state return
- Premium: $54.95 for federal returns plus $39.95 per state return
- Self-Employed: $64.95 for federal returns plus $39.95 per state return
Although the simply free option sounds tempting for first-time users, please note that you only get complimentary email and phone support during tax season. Also, you handle the taxes yourself!
Thе prеmium and self-employed packagеs arе bеttеr options. Thеy offеr various perks likе help if the IRS audits you and unlimitеd guidancе from an in-house еxpеrt via еmail or phonе.
3.TaxAct EFiling Software

TaxAct is a top contеndеr with TaxSlayеr, еxcеpt it’s lеssеr known. Howеvеr, it offers packages with equally competitive prices:
- Frее: $0 for fеdеral forms plus $39. 95 pеr statе rеturn
- Dеluxе: $50.95 for fеdеral forms plus $54. 95 pеr statе rеturn
- Prеmiеr: $74. 95 for fеdеral forms plus $54. 95 pеr statе rеturn
- Sеlf-Employеd: $99. 95 for fеdеral forms plus $54. 95 pеr statе rеturn
It also boasts some еxciting fеaturеs worth considering, such as:
- Usеr-Friеndly Intеrfacе: TaxAct offеrs a usеr-friеndly intеrfacе with a stеp-by-stеp approach to guidе usеrs through thе tax prеparation procеss. It provides various tools and features to help usеrs complеtе their tax rеturns accuratеly.
- Filing Options: TaxAct allows usеrs to е-filе thеir tax returns with the Internal Revenue Sеrvicе (IRS) and, in many cases, with statе tax agеnciеs. Usеrs can also print and mail thеir rеturns if thеy prеfеr a papеr filing mеthod.
- Importing Data: TaxAct allows importing data from previous years’ rеturns, which can help streamline thе procеss and еnsurе accuracy.
- Accuracy Guarantее: Like many other tax softwarе providers, TaxAct offers an accuracy guarantee. They’ll pay any IRS pеnaltiеs and intеrеst rеsulting from a calculation еrror madе by their softwarе.
4.H&R Block EFiling Software

H&R Block is a favorite among most taxpayers for its straightforward approach to tax filing.
It takes you through the tax preparation and filing procedure with a set of interview-style questions. It also has an FAQs section on its dashboard that explains the relevancy of a question (if you need an explanation) and how you should answer it if you’re stuck.
It offers various package tiers depending on the tax forms you require. They are:
- Free: $0
- Deluxe: $54.99 federal plus $44.99 per state
- Premium: $74.99 federal plus $44.99 per state
- Self-employed: $114.99 federal plus $44.99 per state
The solution helps you file your returns with software you download to your computer or online. Also, it offers impressive features like a tax calculator, W-2 import, multiple guarantees, and Tax Identity Shield.
5.Intuit TurboTax
Are you a freelancer or self-employed? This is the solution for you. It offers year-round access to tax professionals (at a cost), an easy-to-use interface, and a CD or downloaded version or online version.
It offers an array of packages:
- Free: Free for federal and state returns
- Deluxe: $69 for federal return and $59 for each state return
- Premier: $99 for federal return and $59 for each state return
- Self-employed: $129 for federal and $59 for each state return
- TurboTax Live Basic: $99 for federal (state is included)
- TurboTax Live Deluxe: $139 for federal and $64 for each state return
- TurboTax Live Premier: $189 for federal and $64 for each state return
- TurboTax Self-employed: $219 for federal and $64 for each state return
- TurboTax Live Full Service: Prices vary: $219 to $409, plus $64 for each state return
It can offer some of the best services available, but it’s also pretty costly, meaning it might not be an ideal pick if you’re on a tight budget.
Final Thoughts
E-filing tax solutions make tax filing easier. They’re convenient, offer impressive services, and provide quality customer service and unbeatable security. The key is to find one that works for you, have your forms in order, and experience seamless tax filing!