What Is Kikuyu Turf And Why Is It So Popular?

If you’re looking for a hardy, fast-growing lawn grass for your yard, kikuyu grass should be on your list to consider. But what exactly is kikuyu turf and what makes it such a popular turf choice? WE consulted experts like Sydney Lawn And Turf on this and here is the summary. 

Features and Characteristics

Kikuyu is a warm-season perennial grass native to East Africa that has become widely used as a lawn grass in warmer regions like Australia. What are some key features that set it apart?

Fast Growing

One of the best qualities of Kikuyu grass is its rapid growth rate. We’re talking inches per week during peak growing seasons! This quick spread helps the grass establish a thick turf and out-compete weeds. The tradeoff is you’ll have to mow frequently to keep up.

Deep Root System

In addition to vigorous above-ground growth, Kikuyu puts down extensive roots up to 6 feet deep. This huge root zone allows the grass to seek out moisture and nutrients to power its extreme growth.

Climate Conditions

As a C4 photosynthesis plant adapted to tropical origins, Kikuyu thrives in hot weather and cannot withstand frost or cold temperatures. It grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 8 through 10. Warm days over 80°F combined with adequate irrigation unleash its full growing potential.

Kikuyu as Turf Grass

So Kikuyu has some impressive natural growth abilities, but what makes it so valued specifically as a turfgrass option? Let’s see how some of its traits translate to the lawn.

Durability and Wear Tolerance

Kikuyu holds up well under foot traffic and activity compared to other grasses. A few factors contribute to its durability:

Withstands Foot Traffic

Thanks to vigorous rhizome and stolon growth below ground, Kikuyu lawns establish a dense mat-like structure able to handle regular activity without substantial damage.

Recovery from Damage

The rapid growth habit of Kikuyu allows it to heal quickly if areas become worn or thin. It will readily fill in divots or holes from use when growing conditions are adequate to support regrowth.

Lush Green Appearance

When properly cared for, Kikuyu delivers a lush, thick, deep green lawn with minimal thatch buildup. The color and density make for an attractive turf cover.

Maintaining Kikuyu Lawns

To leverage kikuyu’s assets as turf and keep your lawn in top shape requires a bit of maintenance work:


Expect to mow at least 1-2 times per week in peak growing seasons! This keeps the rapidvertical growth in check and encourages the grass to fill laterally. Cut no more than 1/3 of the blade height per pass.


Kikuyu needs consistently moist soil given its tropical origins and fast growth rate. Plan to water for 30-60 minutes 2-3 times per week during dry periods to prevent browning and allow optimal growth.


Apply a balanced fertilizer around early spring, summer, and fall to fuel growth spurts. Quick green-up pre-dissolved synthetic fertilizers can give an extra kick-start too.

Why Kikuyu Grass is So Popular

Considering all its stand-out qualities, it’s no wonder kikuyu has become a top choice for lawns and turf areas in compatible climates. But what specifically draws homeowners and property managers to kikuyu grass?


Compared to some other turf options like Bermuda and zoysia, kikuyu grass seed or sod provides one of the most budget-friendly selections in many regions. This makes establishing even larger lawn areas highly viable.


Beyond reasonable cost, the widespread use of kikuyu in commercial and residential landscaping means sourcing sod or plugs from local suppliers is simple. You won’t have to go far or wait long for turf materials.

Ease of Care

While kikuyu does have higher maintenance needs compared to some grasses, its quick growth, self-repairing capacity, and tolerance of less-than-perfect conditions offer a lot of flexibility and room for error in care. Once established, it can bounce back well even if temporarily neglected.

Final Thoughts

For homeowners and landscape professionals seeking an affordable, lush turfgrass for warmer regions that spreads rapidly and stands up well to activity, kikuyu is a prime contender. Just be prepared to mow and water actively to keep its vigor channeled productively. Leveraging kikuyu’s strengths while managing its enthusiastic growth habits leads to an envious lawn that feels like a lush carpet under foot.

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