Marks Percentage Calculator



A marks calculator is a tool that helps you calculate your percentage score based on the marks you have obtained and the total marks possible. It can be used for various educational levels, including exams, graduation marks, 10th marks, 12th marks, and more.

To use the marks calculator, simply enter your scored marks and the total marks into the respective fields and click the "Calculate" button. The calculator will display your percentage and a message based on your score.

You need to enter two values:
Scored Marks: The marks you have obtained.
Total Marks: The maximum possible marks.

The result percentage represents the proportion of marks you have scored out of the total marks, expressed as a percentage.

90% and above: Congratulations! You've done an excellent job.
80% to 89%: Good job! Keep it up.
70% to 79%: You are doing well. Keep going.
60% to 69%: You need to improve.
Below 60%: You need to work hard.

Yes, this calculator can be used for calculating marks for any type of examination or grading system, such as school exams, college exams, graduation marks, and more.

If you see an error message, it usually means that the entered values are invalid. Ensure that you have entered numerical values for both scored marks and total marks. The calculator will not work with non-numerical inputs or empty fields.

No, the data you enter in the calculator is not saved. The calculations are performed in real-time and the input data is not stored.

Yes, the marks calculator is designed to be responsive and should work on mobile devices as well as desktop computers.